In this article I am going to tell you about ashwagandha benefits for men, it’s an indian herb and also a very powerful herb. it helps your body to manage stress level. ashwagandha also provide a lot of benefits to your body and brain like it boost your brain function, lower your blood sugar and cortisol level, and also help to fight symptoms of anxiety and depression.
It is used in ayurvedic medicine a lot, ayurvedic experts use ashwagandha to treat a lot of disease in men.

now let’s talk about ashwagandha benefits for men
1. Relieve stress and anxiety: ashwagandha has a calming effect on anxiety and it doesn’t have any kind of side effect like the medicine which is used for anxiety. I think it is the best ashwagandha benefits for men because most men suffer from this problem.
it is found that taking a daily dose of 240 milligrams (mg) of ashwagandha reduce cortisol level, which is a stress hormone.
2. May reduce blood sugar level: in several studies, ashwagandha also shows a property of reducing blood sugar level. it increases insulin secretion and improves insulin sensitivity in the muscle cell.
but there are only limited evidence which suggests that ashwagandha reduce blood sugar level through its effect on insulin secretion and sensitivity.
3. Arthritis treating property: ashwagandha also acts as a pain reliever by preventing pain signals from travelling along with the central nervous system. it is also having some anti-inflammatory properties.
because of this reason, some research shown it to be effective in treating of arthritis.
4. May have anticancer properties: A animal and test-tube study have found that a compound in ashwagandha helps induce apoptosis, which is programmed death of cancer cell. it also slows down the growth of new cancer cells.
5. Take care of the heart: some people also use ashwagandha to improve their heart health because it lowers your blood pressure, reduces high cholesterol and prevent heart disease.
however, there is not that much research to support these benefits.
6. Might reduce cortisol level: cortisol is a stress hormone that is released from the adrenal glands. it is shown that ashwagandha helps to reduce cortisol level which means it also reduces your stress level. and I think it should be the best ashwagandha benefits for men.
7. Can reduce symptoms of depression: it is shown in only few studies that ashwagandha reduce depression. there is only limited research available which suggests that ashwagandha reduce depression.
8. Can boost testosterone: this should be the best ashwagandha benefits for men because ashwagandha supplements have a powerful effect on testosterone level. it is shown that taking ashwagandha daily may increase the testosterone level and also increase muscle size.
9. improve fertility in men: I think it is one of the best ashwagandha benefits for men. because every men want to improve their fertility and ashwagandha helps to improve their fertility.
in one study it is found men who are taking ashwagandha for stress relieving experienced higher antioxidants level and better sperm quality.
10. Can increase muscle mass and strength: some research shown that ashwagandha can improve body composition and increase strength. it is shown in one study that a man who is taking ashwagandha daily has gained muscle strength after 30 days.
people who take ashwagandha daily get greater gains in muscle strength and size.
11. Can improve brain function and memory: it is found in animal and test tube study that ashwagandha can reduce memory and brain function problems caused by injury and disease.
it is also shown in one research that it promote antioxidant activity that protect nerve cells from harmful free radicals.
12. safest supplement: ashwagandha is the safest supplement on earth and it is also easily available at your nearby stores and also available online. and there are a lot of ashwagandha benefits for men which will help you in most of the medical condition.

So these are the main benefits of taking ashwagandha daily i think looking into the ashwagandha benefits for men, every man must include ashwagandha in their daily diet. ashwagandha has a multiple of benefits which will definitely help you out.
the dosage of ashwagandha are based on the condition people are hoping to treat. there is no standard dosage as per clinical trials. as per study each study suggests a different dosages. some suggest that taking 250-600 mg per day may reduce the stress level and some suggests higher amount of dosage.
capsules form of ashwagandha contains 250-1500 mg of ashwagandha and ashwagandha comes in form of capsules, powder and liquid.
in few cases, a high dosage of ashwagandha shows unpleasant side effect. so it is best that before taking ashwagandha consult a healthcare professional about the dosage of ashwagandha.
pregnant women must avoid taking ashwagandha because it can cause distress for the fetus and premature labor.
there is another concern of ayurvedic herbs that food and drug administration (FDA) do not regulate the manufacturers. which means they do not follow the same standards which pharmaceuticals companies and food producers follow. it can also be possible that you purchase any ayurvedic herb product from any manufacturer and you will not get the actual ayurvedic herb so I think before purchasing any kind of ayurvedic herb product you must do some research of manufacturer.
summary of ashwagandha benefits for men
In ayurvedic medicine ashwagandha is a herbal treatment. some of the studies suggest that ashwagandha provide a range of health benefits, which includes reducing stress, anxiety and also improving arthritis and boosting your testosterone.
pregnant women and people with pre existing health condition must speak to their doctor before taking ashwagandha.
ashwagandha is know as INDIAN WINTER CHERRY or INDIAN GINSENG and it is most essential herb or ayurveda. these type of remedy are also given to small children as tonic and also given to middle aged and elderly for their longevity. among the a lot of ayurvedic rasayana herb, ashwagandha is the most prominent.
ashwagandha increase the function of the brain and nervous system and it also improve the memory. it also increase the function of reproductive system and promote a healthy sexual life. ashwagandha also improve your immunity system which will not let you sick.
these all are the main ashwagandha benefits for men and I think every man must take ashwagandha in moderation if he is not having a preexisting disease.