In this article we will talk about the best vegetarian protein source, if you are a non-vegetarian, then you have a lot of options to take protein from non-veg food but if you are a vegetarian then you have very fewer options for food to take protein. here you will get to know the best vegetarian protein source or the best food to take protein from a vegetarian diet. a vegetarian diet is a diet where you will get all nutrition from a plant-based diet and a plant-based diet also provides a variety of health benefits. it is a little difficult to find lean protein in vegetarian food, here you will also get some amount of fat and carbs with protein.
here we will talk about top 3 best vegetarian protein source foods which will give you a complete range of protein:

1. Legumes: – Legumes are the great source of protein it is one of the best vegetarian protein sources which provides a range of essential nutrients including protein, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, minerals and vitamins. They are an affordable dietary source of good quality protein and are high in protein compared to most other plant foods. Lentils are generally low in fat, it is free of saturated fat and contains no cholesterol.
Soybeans and peanuts are the exceptions, pulses are rich in energy-giving carbohydrates, with a low glycemic index rating for blood sugar control. legumes are an essential part of the traditional diet around the world. and legumes are also not that much expensive to take protein as compared to a non-veg diet. even you will get an extra amount of fat from non-veg food and in legumes, you will not get much amount of fat. a regular intake of legumes may lower the risk of cardiovascular events. so guys these all benefits of legumes make it one of the best vegetarian protein source.

2. Soy Products: – soya products are an excellent source of protein and dietary fiber, Soybeans contain antioxidants and phytonutrients that are associated with various health benefits. Soybean is mainly made up of protein but contains a good amount of carbs and fat. Soybeans are among the best sources of plant-based protein and it is the best vegetarian protein source.
following are the options of soy products:
a) soy milk: soy milk is made of soyabeans. plain, unfortified soy milk is a very good source of healthy protein and B vitamins but soy milk doesn’t contain calcium like other milk. you can get soy milk from your nearby dairy shop or in a supermarket with well packed box and it is also sold in powder form which you can mix in water and drink.
soy milk is a very good substitute of milk for those who are lactose intolerant, you can have it as a beverage or can use instead of milk.
b) tofu: tofu is also known as soy paneer, it is soft, smooth soy product which is made from soy milk. tofu contain high quality protein and B vitamin but like soy milk it also doesn’t contain calcium as normal paneer.
c) soya chunks: soya chunks are made of soy flour after removing oil from it, soya chunks have a rough texture because it is left dry by removing oil from it and its texture quickly turn soft when it is dipped in warm water or any gravy. soya chunks are also known as vegetarian meat as their nutritional profile matches several non-vegetarian foods. soya chunks are the best vegetarian protein source because 100 gm of soya chunks contains 52 gm of protein.

d) soya bean: soya bean is also a part of the legumes family but it is also a part of soy products. soya bean is the most important bean in the world which provide a plant-based protein to us. soya bean is one of the richest and cheapest sources of protein because it is very economical and high in protein. 100 gm of soya bean contains approx 36gm of protein.
3. Dairy products: dairy products are also the best vegetarian protein source and dairy products are also an important part of our daily diet routine because some of the dairy product is being used in every house. a dairy product is mainly made of milk.
From a nutritional point of view, dairy products are an important component of food. They are very nutritious mainly because they contain a wide variety of nutrients, and they are particularly rich in protein and calcium that is easily absorbed by our bodies. In addition, their composition varies, as a result of which they can easily adapt to all types of diets and different nutritional requirements, dairy products contain all the essential amino acid proteins we need. Dairy proteins are easily digestible and have high biological value, it is why they are considered high-quality proteins. and dairy product is also the best vegetarian protein source.
following are the mainly used dairy products:
a) liquid milk: it is the most consumable item available in the market, you can get it in a different kind of variety like toned milk, double toned milk and full cream milk. we should try to drink toned milk because it contains low fat. 100 ml of toned milk contains approx 12gm of protein.
b) paneer: paneer is indian cheese that is made of curdled milk and some of the fruits like lemon juice. paneer is very soft, smooth and delicious in taste. you can add paneer to your snacks meal or also can add in your dinner with brown bread and can make a paneer sandwich. 100gm of paneer contains around 20gm of protein.
c) yogurt/curd: yogurt/curd is also made of milk in a sequential process called curdling. curd also improve your digestion system because of its prebiotic nature. and it is also good for your bones cause it contains enough amount of calcium. you should add curd to your daily diet plan to get its ultimate benefits. 100gm of plain curd contains around 4gm of protein which is not that much high but the other benefits of curds are very high.
so these 3 are the mainly used dairy products, I think in this world each and every person should add all of 3 in their daily diet to get the ultimate benefits of these dairy products and these are also the best vegetarian protein source.
this is the all information about the best vegetarian protein source, I hope it will help to get enough information about where you have to take your protein if you are a vegetarian and want to add protein foods to your daily diet.