Keto foods are those foods which we take in the keto diet and the keto diet is a diet where we take diet with extremely high fat moderate protein and extremely low carbs if you compare the percentage of fat, protein and carbs in keto diet then it would be around 70% of fats, 25% of protein and 5% of carbs. this type of diet helps you to lose weight and also improve your health. Basically, it’s a low carbs diet, which means you have to cut carbs from your food like rice, roti, bread, pasta, milk etc. This kind of food you have to eradicate from your diet. this kind of depletion of carbs put your body into a metabolic state called ketosis. and ketosis is a metabolic state in which your body uses fat for energy instead of carbs.
And when it happens in your body then your body becomes incredibly efficient at burning fat for energy. a ketogenic diet can also reduce your blood sugar and insulin level.
Now let’s talk about keto foods which you have to take in keto diet!

1. Low carbs vegetables: Non-starchy vegetables are best in the list of keto foods and this kind of foods are low in carbs and rich in many kinds of nutrients, including vitamin C. consuming a serving of starchy vegetables in your diet like potato, broccoli or beets could put you over your entire carb limit of the day.
Non-starchy vegetables are also rich in antioxidants which help to protect your body against free radicals, which are unstable molecules and can damage your cell
You can add avocado, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumber, green beans, lettuce, spinach, tomato etc. as non-starchy vegetables,
2. Paneer: Paneer is a very good source of protein and fat and it plays a very important role in the keto diet for vegetarian. it’s an awesome food on the list of keto foods. there are a lot of recipes available for making paneer on youtube you can check the recipe which suits you, paneer is easily available nearby you at any dairy.
3. Avocados: Avocados are also healthy and you can also add this to your keto foods list. avocados are also low in carbs, half a slice of a medium avocado contains approx 9gm of carbs from which 7gm is fiber it means the net carbs is 2gm only.
Avocados are also high in minerals and vitamins like magnesium, potassium, folate, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E etc. and these vitamins and minerals also play an important role in your body.
4. Meat: Meat also plays an important role in keto foods. meat is high in protein and several vitamins and minerals. and it also doesn’t contain carbs. meat contains a high-quality protein which helps to get muscle mass even in a very low carbs diet or keto diet.
You should always choose grass-fed meat if possible, because animal who eat grass, produce a higher amount of omega 3 fats.
5. Eggs: Eggs are the most versatile and healthiest food available on this earth. one large boiled egg contains around 6gm of protein and less than 1gm of carbs which makes it an ideal food for the ketogenic diet. an egg contains a complete range of amino acid it means it’s a complete protein source and is the food best in the list of keto foods.
6. Yogurt/curd: Yogurt/curd is a dairy product that is made of milk and it contains a good amount of protein and healthy fat which is much needed in keto foods. it also contains a little number of carbs but still, you can use it in your keto diet in moderation. it is also healthy for your digestive system because it’s prebiotic and good for your gut health.
7. Nuts and seeds: Nuts and seeds are also very helpful food in the list of keto foods. nuts and seeds are high in fat and low in carbs.
Consistence consumption of nuts shows a reduced risk of heart disease, certain cancer, depression, and other chronic diseases. nuts and seeds are also high in fiber which keeps your stomach full.
8. Berries: Most of the fruits are high in carbs but berries are an exception. so you can include berries in your list of keto foods. berries are low in carbs and high in fiber and these small foods are also loaded with antioxidants. if you are on a keto diet then don’t forget to add berries to your diet.
These all are the essential keto foods to take in the keto diet. so if you are also following a keto diet and want to lose weight then you must try these keto foods in your meals, it will give you a very good result. keto cycle is the best cycle to burn your fat and a lot of people are burning their body fat with this cycle but in keto diet, you need to calculate your calories very wisely because you have to take a lot of healthy fat during keto diet and protein you have to take in moderation and carbs must be extremely low.

Now let’s talk about how it works
So as you all know carbs is a primary source of energy so when we take high carbs diet than during work out some of the carbs we burn with exercise and remaining stored in our body as fat so with this cycle our body stored a lot of fat which we unable to burn in the gym so that’s why in keto diet we take extremely low carbs so that we don’t get stored fat in our body due to carbs
So this stage is called ketosis when you closed the carbs supply in your body and your body burn stored fat in terms of energy!
When you are taking very low carbs and don’t get fiber in your body then you have to fulfil your fiber requirements with vegetables and seeds so that you will not suffer from constipation problem!
So friends, if you are also thinking to start a keto diet, then I hope that the information given by me will work for you.