Here we will talk about the health benefits of broccoli, it looks somewhat like cauliflower but there is just a difference of colour, broccoli is green in colour. Broccoli is a powerful vegetable and it has vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin k and as you all know that vitamin C improves your immune system, vitamin A is necessary for your eyes and vitamin K is for your healthy bones and wound-healing power. Broccoli is also having antioxidants that make your immune system stronger, it has also properties of anti-inflammatory which helps to reduce inflammation due to any injury, It also detoxify your body.
A study found that consuming steamed broccoli regularly lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease by reducing the total amount cholesterol level in the body. And increasing vegetables in the diet, especially cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, could reduce the risk of heart disease.
And guys you can consume broccoli in any kind of diet plan whether you are bulking or you are leaning it helps you in both situations.
Following are the top 10 benefits of broccoli:
1. Rich in vitamins, minerals and bioactive compound: The biggest benefits of broccoli is its nutrient content. broccoli contains vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B9, potassium, phosphorus and selenium. 100gm of broccoli contain around 2.8gm of protein, 6.6gm of carbs and 2.6gm of fiber which is very healthy. you can eat broccoli cooked or raw doesn’t matter but cooked and raw will both give you a different amount of nutrient.
2. Cancer preventing property: Broccoli help to fight cancer and also help to boost your immune system. broccoli has the property to deplete estrogen which is the main reason behind cancer in the body. broccoli is extremely good for breast and uterus cancer. Broccoli also contains sulforaphane which reduces the size and number of the breast cancer cell.
3. Reduction of cholesterol: This health benefits of broccoli is very important for those who are suffering from high cholesterol level. Broccoli is high in soluble fiber which helps to reduce your cholesterol level. It happens because the fiber in broccoli helps bind with bile acids in the digestive tract and it helps to excrete cholesterol from our body very easily. In one study it is shown that broccoli reduces blood LDL cholesterol level by 6% approx.
4. Reduce inflammation: Broccoli has a various bioactive compound like omega 3 and fatty acids which help to reduce body inflammation. Broccoli can also help those people who are suffering from arthritis because broccoli contains sulforaphane, a chemical that blocks the enzyme which can cause joint destruction and can lead to inflammation.
5. Good source of antioxidants: Broccoli is high in antioxidants which helps to maintain body sugar level. This benefits of broccoli are very useful for those people who are suffering from high blood sugar level. One study on humans showed that the people who consumed broccoli daily for one month has significantly decreased insulin resistance. Broccoli is also rich in carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene and other powerful antioxidants.
6. Good for heart health: Increased LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body are the major risk factor for heart disease and broccoli helps to improve these both cholesterol level. Broccoli help to reduce LDL cholesterol and triglyceride and also help to increase HDL cholesterol which is healthy cholesterol for our body. Some specific antioxidants in broccoli can also reduce the risk of a heart attack. And broccoli also contains fiber which is great for a healthy heart. Broccoli also protects our blood vessels from damage.
7. Improve digestion and reduce constipation: Broccoli is high in fiber and antioxidants and both of this help to improve bowel movement in our body. Regularity of bowel and a strong community of healthy bacteria in your stomach are two vital components for your digestive health. Eating broccoli which is high in fiber and antioxidants can play a major role in maintaining healthy gut function.
8. Improve brain function: Some nutrients and bioactive compound in broccoli improve your brain function and nervous tissue function.
A study showed that one serving of dark green vegetables per day, such as broccoli, can help resist the mental decline associated with ageing. One more bioactive compound present in broccoli called sulforaphane, which has the potential to support brain function.
9. Anti-aging property: I think it is the benefits of broccoli which a lot of older people find in their food. increasing age or getting older is a process that can not be stopped. Everyone has to get older at some point of age but by eating broccoli you can just delay your skin wrinkles.
Research showed that the bioactive compound, sulforaphane is capable to slow down the biochemical process of ageing by increasing the expression of antioxidants genes.
Broccoli is also rich in vitamin C, which has numerous antioxidants properties and it is great food for anti-ageing. this is because antioxidants in broccoli help in fighting the free radicals which are responsible for ageing. These free radicals also damage your skin.
10. Healthy for pregnant ladies: When you are pregnant then your body required multiple vitamins, minerals and protein to support both baby and mother.
Broccoli is a good source of B vitamin-like B9, which is also known as folate. Folate is an important nutrient for the growth of the fetal brain and spinal cord. Regular consumption of broccoli which is folate-rich food may help ensure healthy pregnancy outcomes. So if you are pregnant or your wife is pregnant then this benefits of broccoli will definitely help you for a healthy pregnancy.
So guys broccoli is a nutrient-rich food that will definitely help you to live a healthy lifestyle and broccoli has also properties like reducing inflammation, maintaining blood sugar level, boost your immunity and give you a healthy heart. It also gives a lot of vitamins, minerals and protein to stay healthy. Broccoli is also a need of pregnant ladies because of its nutrients profile. So guys I think looking into these benefits of broccoli you all must add broccoli to your daily diet it will give you definitely a good result but guys keep one thing in mind that eating only one nutrient-rich food will not help you to stay fit you will also have to add more nutrient-rich foods in your daily diet.