There are a lot of benefits of apple cider vinegar, guys as you can find out by the name itself, it is made from apple. Apple cider vinegar is made by crushing apples, then squeezing out the juice. Bacteria and yeast are added to the liquid to start the alcoholic fermentation process, which converts the sugars to alcohol. And then in the second step of fermentation, the alcohol is converted into vinegar by acetic acid-forming bacteria. Apple cider vinegar is a very good home remedy for a lot of health problems. It is being used in the home for ages. Apple cider vinegar is also prebiotic it means it also boost your digestive system. Here we are also going to talk about the apple cider vinegar uses.
Now what apple cider vinegar contains: Apple cider vinegar contains following nutrients:
1. magnesium
2. Iron
3. phosphorus
4. manganese
5. amino acids
6. antioxidants
These are the important nutrients which apple cider vinegar is having inside it’s juice.

Now let’s talk about the benefits of apple cider vinegar:
1. It improves digestion: The acetic acid present in apple cider vinegar help to digest foods eaten by you. The stomach produces this acid to digest our food but by the time we get old this acid starts reducing, so apple cider vinegar increases the amount of acid in our stomach.
2. Reduce blood sugar: Apple cider vinegar improve insulin sensitivity which helps to lower the body blood sugar level. It also helps to feel full for a longer time. Taking apple cider vinegar for 8-12 weeks may help to reduce HbA1c.
3. Helps in losing weight: It also helps in losing weight with a reduced calories diet and regular exercise. The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar help in weight loss but it doesn’t mean that you drink apple cider vinegar and take a lot of calories in a day then apple cider vinegar would not help you out in losing weight.
4. Good for hair: Apple cider vinegar helps your hair to get rid of dandruff, dry hair, itchy scalp and thin hair. you just have to mix apple cider vinegar in the same proportion of water and use it in your hair after shampoo and leave it for few minutes and then wash your hair with water, it will help a lot to your hair.
5. Anti-aging property: Apple cider vinegar help your skin to look younger for a long time. The main cause of aging can be due to reactive oxygen species that damage the protein and DNA of your skin. And apple cider vinegar can prevent aging and cell death. A study focus on the polyphenols presents in apple and made a solution that showed prolonged cellular life spans in cell culture.
6. Makes you feel fuller: Acetic acid which presents in apple cider vinegar help you in feeling fuller which prevent you from overeating and cravings of eating anything.
7. Help in acne: Mix one to one portion of apple cider vinegar and water and apply it on your skin with cotton and leave it for 10-15 minutes and then wash your face with a good face wash or soap and try to do it in the night so that till morning you can see the effect.
8. Help in lowering blood pressure: Taking apple cider vinegar for a long time help in reducing the activity of an enzyme called renin and lower renin activity cause lowered blood pressure.
9. Reduce cancer risk: There is a theory behind that apple cider vinegar help in reducing the risk of cancer, that theory is making your blood alkaline with apple cider vinegar prevents cancer cells from growing.
10. Improve heart health: Apple cider vinegar may help to decrease cholesterol and triglyceride which are the major factor behind heart health, so by reducing them it helps to improve your heart health.
11. Helps to clean your body from inside: Apple cider vinegar can detox your body at your home. It helps to detoxify the liver. The acid present in apple cider vinegar may also bind to toxins which can assist in removing toxins from your body.

These were all the benefits of apple cider vinegar now let’s talk about the side effects of apple cider vinegar:
With the benefits there are also some side effects of apple cider vinegar which happens due to overtaking it.
1. Can weaken tooth enamel: Apple cider vinegar is also acidic like all other vinegar and consuming too many acidic beverages can weaken your tooth enamel.
2. Blood sugar regulation: Consuming too much apple cider vinegar can affect how the body regulates blood sugar levels. If anyone is suffering from diabetes must consult his/her doctor before taking a high dose of apple cider vinegar.
3. Gastrointestinal issue: Apple cider vinegar is a natural weight loss aid. research suggests that it help to slow the rate at which food leaves the stomach, which can compress the appetite by making a person feel fuller for a longer time. However, keeping food in the stomach can cause undesirable side effect.
4. Can cause skin burn: Apple cider vinegar is acidic and applying it directly to the skin can cause burn and irritation, especially when the vinegar is undiluted.
With the benefits of apple cider vinegar, these all can be the side effects of apple cider vinegar of taking it in excess, so make sure to limit the apple cider vinegar uses so that you would not suffer from any kind of side effect.

So guys these were all the benefits of apple cider vinegar, I prefer apple cider vinegar to all, any kind of person can take it because there are no side effects of apple cider vinegar but you have to take only 2 spoons a day maximum, not more than that. You can take it one spoon in the morning on an empty stomach and the second time one spoon you can have it 10-15 minutes after lunch, so this would be your 2 servings of apple cider vinegar. You can take it with 100 ML normal water.
And guys one more important piece of information about apple cider vinegar for face glow is that you can also apply this on your face twice a week, you can apply it with cotton on your face at bedtime and wash your face with any good face wash or soap and you will get immediate glowing effect on your face.
these are the few benefits of apple cider vinegar which I talked with you about, it has a lot more benefits which you will get to know when you start taking it. I hope this information will help you.