Here we are going to talk about the prevention of air pollution, the most important topic for those who live in India. In India everyone think about how to reduce air pollution or how to protect yourself from air pollution due to the heavy pollution level. But reducing air pollution is not in one person’s hand; if you want to reduce air pollution, we all have to work together on this. Delhi is the most polluted city in India, so people who are living in Delhi must have to take care of themselves from air pollution.
There are few ways which we can use to reduce air pollution:
- If possible ride a bicycle or walk instead of driving a car or ride a bike.
- Take a bus or do carpool instead of going in a car alone.
- Buy a car with high fuel efficiency.
- Turn off the lights and electric appliances when not in use.
- Use energy-efficient bulb and electric appliances.
- Buy an electric vehicle if possible.
- Don’t burn smoky things at your fireplace.
- Keep your vehicles properly tuned.
So these are the few things which we can do to reduce air pollution. Instead of asking from government how to reduce air pollution, we should do this ourselves. I think doing these small things can make a big difference. We should not ask someone that how to control air pollution, we must do these all things ourselves to reduce air pollution. If we all will start doing these all small things then I think it will definitely affect to clean our polluted air.

Causes of air pollution: There are following causes of air pollution:
- Fossil Fuels: A large amount of sulfur dioxide come from burning fossil fuels. And incomplete burning of fossil fuels releases carbon monoxide, these two are the reason behind increasing air pollution.
- Factories and industries: Factories and industries are the major sources of organic compound, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon and chemicals. These are released into the air and lower the quality of air.
- Automobile industries: Nowadays automobiles industries have become big industries but they are not doing anything to lower air pollution instead the gases released from the car, bus, truck, bikes and other vehicles are making our air worst.
- Mining activities: In the process of mining, the minerals which are available below the earth are extracted using large machines and equipment. And during this process, the dust and chemicals are being released from mining are not only polluting our air but also worsen the health of the workers and people living in nearby areas.
So guys these are the major sources of air pollution and I think it’s not in our hands to stop this process. But we can take care of ourselves from air pollution or we can take the prevention of air pollution.

Effect of air pollution: Following are the effect of air pollution on our earth and our health:
- Heart problem: Air pollution is increasing day by day and it is becoming worst for our health and heart. There are a lot of heart problems are happening like heart attack, strokes, asthma and it also causes some cancer. Many people die due to air pollution every year.
- Child health problems: Air pollution is also harmful to our children even during pregnancy because miscarriages can happen due to air pollution and it can also cause premature birth, autism, asthma, and spectrum disorder in young children. It can also damage early brain development in a child and can also cause pneumonia that kills a lot of children below 5 years.
- Global warming: Global warming is the most affected nowadays due to air pollution. Due to this air pollution, the temperature of the earth increasing day by day and the ice from the cold region are melting. If we will unable to find a way to reduce air pollution then soon it will be the reason behind the disaster of our earth.
- Acid rain: When harmful gases like sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxide are released into the atmosphere then, when it rain, the raindrops combine with these air pollutants, become acidic and then the acid rain starts dropping on earth and it can cause huge damage to humans and animals.
- Effect on animals: Just like humans, air pollution is also becoming worst for animals. Toxic chemicals present in the air due to air pollution can force animals to move to a new place and they have to change their habitat. This air pollution also deposits on the surface of the water and also affect sea animals.
So guys these were the major effect of air pollution and the destruction due to air pollution, so if we all will try to reduce air pollution then these effect will also reduce with that.

Now I am going to tell you about the important vitamins and minerals which will help your body to the prevention of air pollution or will protect your body from polluted air:
1. Vitamin A: Beta carotene, we need vitamin A for healthy skin, mucus membranes, our immune system, and for good eye health and vision. Vitamin A helps you to protect from infection, when you breathe then your nose get blockage or mucus, most people are having this problem due to bad air, so vitamin A protects you from not getting blockage of mucus due to air pollution. You can have sweet potato and carrot for vitamin A, these vegetables are rich in vitamin A.
2. Vitamin C: It helps you to boost your immune system. Vitamin C protects the body from harmful molecules called free radicals that damage cells. Free radicals can form when air pollution enters the lungs, and evidence suggests they play a role in heart disease, cancer and even respiratory ailments. Vitamin C also helps to strengthen the blood vessels. You can eat the orange, lemon, mango, papaya etc for vitamin C.
3. Vitamin E: When your cells get damaged due to bad oxygen then vitamin E helps your cells to get protection and good oxygen. You can eat whole-grain foods, 1 whole egg, green leafy vegetables etc. to get vitamin E.
4. Selenium: It’s a powerfull mineral and antioxidant, it protects your body from free radicals like vitamin C does. Now guys most of you will think that what is free radicals, so guys free radicals are produced in your body due to bad air or bad smoke and it demage your cells, immune system and lungs also. So guys selenium helps to protect your these all things from demage. You can eat garlic, tomato, oats etc. to get enough selenium in your body.
So guys these are the few vitamins and minerals for the prevention of air pollution. I think all of you must add these food to your daily diet to get their benefits and these foods will definitely help you for prevention of air pollution. Air pollution is the biggest problem nowadays, mostly in India. So I think we all should find a way to get rid of air pollution or to reduce air pollution otherwise in coming days it will affect our health a lot.